City Clerk / Finance / Tax Collection
City Clerk / Treasurer / Ex Officio / Tax Collector
The Clerk’s Office for the City of Minden is the centralized office responsible for the oversight of all receipts and disbursements throughout the City. The overall purpose of the Clerk’s Office is to present the Mayor, City Council, department heads and the public timely, accurate and transparent financial information that complies with all generally accepted governmental accounting standards.
The Clerk’s Office oversees and is responsible for the functions of payroll, accounts payable, accounting for capital assets, insurance, ad valorem tax collection, and annual budgeting as well as the divisions of Information Technology and the billing for customer utility accounts. The Clerk’s Office maintains the accounting records for the General Fund, Utility Fund, Tax Fund and special revenue funds and capital project funds.
Occupation License
The City of Minden requires that all businesses operating within the City limits of Minden obtain an Occupational License.